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Puppy Reservation Application

If you have any questions at all about our puppy reservation process, please feel free to reach out directly by phone, text, or email. We love to talk about our Spoo puppies to ensure they are adopted into compatible homes!


Please fill out the application fields below if you would like to be considered as a future home of a Kettle Cove Standard Poodle pup! 

Corrie | | 608.769.7718

Please Describe Your Living Circumstances (Check all that Apply)
Regarding Raising Puppy (Check all that Apply)
Preferred Method of Communication

Please note that no deposits will be taken without a phone call screening first. No puppies will be sold or visits will be scheduled before a Facetime/Zoom call takes place between us and the applicants. 

Thanks for submitting!
Please note that we, the breeder, reserve the 1st pick of the males and females from each litter. We can choose to keep these puppies or offer them to qualified breeding programs or companion homes.
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